
july 30, 2024

since friday and until sometime this weekend, i have had the whole house to myself. my family is all in Oregon right now at a scout camp, which did not interest me so i decided to stay home. i have a dislike of scouting programs (based on previous experiences pre-transition) so basically its just all a no for me. however i do want to do more outdoor things, like i would love to go hiking or cycling. unfortunately its a billion degrees outside, which isnt great.

i have found myself getting more comfortable with being alone at home for extended periods of time, especially at night when its dark. obviously nothing is gonna happen at night but there was still a vague aura of discomfort with the darkness. thankfully that has gone away quickly and we are chilling.

what i am not chilling with though is the fact that i had to wake up at 5:20a this morning to take the trash out and the fact i walked through a black widow web that an unkind friend felt like weaving. not great! i also did drop my phone and damage the screen protector in a few places, but it is just a screen protector and i have been meaning to get a new one that doesnt have air bubbles on the corners.

i have spent most of today working on my site, such as this blog and the widget i added to my about me page. just going off of the last updated note on my home page, this is the first activity on the site for 3 months! which does seem like a long time to not edit it, however i have a work in progress page for flash game Scarlet Stranger i have yet to put in the games section. some details with the sidebar of the editor i want to add to the page first. later on i will also make a cutting room floor page for the game, quite a few interesting things! at some point i will also need to look into why the game doesn't actually initiate the escape sequence with the princess. it seems that the true ending is attainable, there is data for it in the files. if i am unable to figure it out on my own, the main developer for the game has given Flashpoint a donation in the past so i am sure i can use that as a foot in the door and ask him directly, and maybe do just a general interview. according to our database, he has developer credits of some kind for at around 40 different titles, so it would be worthwhile for someone to pick his brain about the specific games of his at some point. (BlueMaxima did an interview with him in 2021, but that was focused on his career with Flash as a whole and didnt get too deep into any one specific game) i certainly have my fair share of questions regarding just K.O.L.M. and Scarlet Stranger alone.

anyway i got some more Drawn Together and Pseudoregalia to watch and play today. not super huge on Drawn Together right now (in the last episodes of season 1) but two of my friends are massive fans of the series so i am giving it an honest shot and will see it through to the end. only played a few minutes of Pseudoregalia yesterday before I developed a headache, but it seems cool so far. attacking feels surprisingly fluid, but that is still only from a short first impression. there are also a few things i want to 3d print today, like a wall-mounted key holders and record cover holders. i have an entire week where i can use this 3d printer as much as i want and not have to worry about if its owner wants to print something, so might as well use this time while i can! printed a sick Nonagon Infinity coaster yesterday, and a Rei Ayanami stencil (that i still need to figure out how to put on my wall) the day before that. when i beat NieR: Automata (still on the third playthrough but already a favorite game) i might print out a 2B stencil and become anime girl made of printed plastic's strongest warrior. plus they use barely any filament which is a huge plus.

gif of girl from tokimeki memorial standing

anyways, see you next time!