
august 1, 2024

finished reading Failed Princesses today. pretty nice and chill yuri series. still have the bonus volume left that i will read later tonight, i hope we get some confirmation with that Other Couple, that would be dope. i probably got a little too emotionally invested in it to cope with my own non-existant real life yuri, but i got through it and only came out motivated to further my transition. its been... slow. i have been on hrt for almost two months now (only noticable change is a bit of breast development) but i still havent experimented much with my hair, and i certainly need a wardrobe refresh. my friend Tatum is gonna video call with me tomorrow and help me learn makeup which is awesome, i love my friends! i have almost a whole month until the semester begins so i have time to look my best, or at least look better than right now. i think i can pass well in the right clothing, i think some voter registration awareness guy called me miss last semester though, and i was in some feminine winter clothing (which felt fucking great!) but not much opportunities for passing has happened since then. i think my current barely transitioned status of transition helped me connect with the character of Kurokawa a lot. she starts the series as this unpretty and unconfident nerd, but then pretty and confident girl Fujishiro takes her under her wing and the two of them do some yuri shenanigans and yadda yadda yadda. i fit that! i am a unconfident girlfail as currently is. with just a little tweaking, i think theres a compelling trans romance narrative here. with a cis (or also trans) girl helping a transfem transition and both of them falling in love with each other as a result. i think thats kinda beautiful and i would be down with that kind of yuri for myself. maybe ill write a story like that one day.

finally cracked open my Venture Bros. complete box set. i was a little worried with the quality, as the release was DVD only, but it looks great! mainly picked this up as it as all the bonus features, including commentary. plus buying this box set seemed like another good way to support the series in hopes of getting a season 8. please world, give us a season 8. enjoyed the commentaries for The Haunted Problem and The Rorqual Affair while i had breakfast and dinner today. man the morphic trilogy is so fucking good. it never ceases to amaze me that this series is underrated. this is probably like top 50 tv shows ever material. i know i would certainly put it in either the first or second place on my own personal best tv list. Twin Peaks also would be pretty high so they are fighting for control of the list. anyways watch Venture Bros. its coming to Netflix soon so you have no excuse to not watch it. unless you dont have Netflix, which is pretty badass. pirate everything. one of these days ill convince my family to cancel all our subscriptions and invest in a nice NAS for me to pirate everything.

played a ton more of Pseudoregalia today. each hour i feel myself getting better and better with this movement. i managed to do most of the Twilight Theatre without the power-up that later on i realized i was supposed to have for all of it (lol), and at this point i have 4/5 keys. just missing the Underbelly one, but i will definitely still go around and collecting everything i missed. there is a few locked doors that i have left that i have zero idea where keys for them could be. i am genuinely considering trying out speedrunning this game, the movement is that fun. and movement is all i am doing in this game anyway, there are so few rooms in this game that actually have enemies. now, with one of my movement abilities relying on combat, i just see enemies as tools for movement. this is a very well designed metroidvania, a lot of areas are still very much explorable even without the proper power-up as long as you know how to maximize your abilities and string them all together, which feels very rewarding. i highly recommend this title, and its only 6 dollars so why not pick it up.

screenshot of the game Pseudoregalia. in the screenshot, i am standing behind two large chairs just after collecting one of the five necessary keys to beat the game.

later on i played OpenMBU multiplayer with friends Rose and Tomy. i have played with Tomy before, and i feel like i am getting a little better at competitive Marble Blast each time. it was Rose's first time so she got sweeped, but thats okay because i also got sweeped the first time i played with Tomy. from the Marble Blast lore i have heard from Tomy, there is an incredibly rich history of the series. for anyone unfamiliar with this series, i highly recommend Patricia Taxxon's excellent video on the series. personally i got my start with the series from the Marble Blast Ultra demo on our old Xbox 360. i really outta give these games a full playthrough at some point... i hope i can wrangle Rose into playing Platform Racing 2 again. one of these days...

during our Marble Blast session, Rose mentioned an old advergame published by Candystand called Orbit Spherez as the gameplay reminded her of it. about an hour after our session, i wanted to find this game and check it out, but i misremembered the publisher and instead looked for a rolling ball game from, not Candystand. miraculously, i discovered a rolling ball game anyway, although it was not an advergame. Marblet by Kenney was the title i found, and i am glad i did! it is a isometric view rolling ball game, and its art and music and slow gameplay make for very calm and zen-like gameplay. check it out sometime when you have a few minutes available. i have amassed a small collection of niche flash games that interest me that one of these days i should make a video that is just short looks at these games that i find interesting. i have seen a few people nowadays diss flash games as not worth revisiting and i just cannot agree with that. there are still so many great and unknown games waiting to be discovered. it is truly unfortunate that Adobe successfully managed to convince most of the internet that Flash is just dead and not coming back. i am grateful to be a part of Flashpoint and (alongside Ruffle) help people realize that these games are still very much accessible and still playable. if you havent ventured much with Flash and want some quick recommendations, check out Dwarf Complete, K.O.L.M., Skrillex Quest, and Parameters. all different flavors of game, surely you will find at least one thing you like. i am currently working on a Flashpoint playlist that is just my personal recommendations, and all of these are on that! will link it in a blog post probably when i feel it is ready to be released.

screenshot of the flash game Marblet, an isometric rolling ball game with a very grey artstyle. depicted is level 14.

finally for today, i put on some nice sparkly pink nail polish. gender win!

gif of girl from tokimeki memorial standing

anyways, see you next time!