
Ninja Painter

logo of the Flash game Ninja Painter

the world and the game is your canvas

did you know its super easy to make your own Ninja Painter levels?

all it takes is a downloaded .swf file of Ninja Painter and a copy of JPEXS, an open source Flash decompiler.

let's take a look at one of the levels: here is level 3

screenshot of Level 3

these levels are just grids, so lets take a look at how the game stores these.

in JPEXS, open your Ninja Painter swf and expand the scripts section. expand "frame 4 (init)", and click on DoAction.

screenshot of JPEXS

wow! every level is stored as a plain string of numbers

here is a full level code: Level 3's to be exact

as you might notice, the code somewhat resembles the level, as long as you orient the text into a 34x12 grid.

every set of two characters is a tile, meaning that levels are 17x12 in size. their simple method of storage means making your own is as simple as firing up a text editor.

here areall the possible characters, the tiles will automatically change their theme

01 Exit
09 Star
11 Air
21 Wall
31 Bottom Left CornerWall
32 Bottom Right Corner Wall
33 Top Right Corner Wall
34 Top Left Corner Wall
41 Background Window
42 Vertical Glass
43 Horizonal Glass
51 Background Wall
61 Ladder
71 Red Mark
72 Green Mark
73 Blue Mark
74 Pink Mark
81 Red Capsule
82 Green Capsule
83 Blue Capsule
84 Pink Capsule

here is a custom level i made simply by taking the "Level 0" from the level list, which is just 204 air tiles, and typing character sets into it, and pasting it into Level 3.

my custom level, whcih depicts the :3 in a box

so go out there and have some fun making your own levels!

Playable on Flashpoint!